ICBE> CarbonDatabase> CO2 Reduction Calculator

This calculator estimates the time and cost required to phase out CO2 production with renewable energy and carbon sinks. 

You can make custom calculations in the following table by modifying values or adding different types of sinks. Since CO2 has a global effect, these systems and sinks could be anywhere in the world and claims to these reductions can be secured by obtaining emission reduction credits (ERC's) through this and other institutions.

CO2 Reduction and Cost Parameters for Currently Installed System Types:
System Type
(tons CO2/year)
per unit
Cost (USD)
per unit
of system (years)
Cost (USD)
per ton CO2
Solar Thermal
per system

per system
per system

per system
Wind Turbine
per system

per system
Micro Hydro
per system

per system
per system

per system
Carbon Sequestration
per hectare

per hectare
Other 1
per system

per system
Other 2
per system

per system
Other 3
per system

per system

to update the parameters of current and future RE systems.

Please enter RE systems currently installed:
System Type
Number of Units
Total Reductions
(tons CO2/year)
Solar Thermal system(s)
Photovoltaic system(s)
Wind Turbine system(s)
Micro Hydro system(s)
Bio-Mass system(s)
Carbon Sequestration hectare(s)
Other 1 system(s)
Other 2 system(s)
Other 3 system(s)
Systems Total unit(s)

Enter offsets obtained through ICBE or other ERC provider:
tons CO2/year

The following is the TOTAL CO2 REDUCTION from currently installed systems and purchased ERCs:
                                                  tons C02/year

CO2 production figures for a given year can be found at either the CDIAC website or the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change website. For example, the 1995 CO2 production for the United States of America was 5228 megatons, for India was 803 megatons, and for Kuwait was 83 megatons.

Enter your TOTAL CO2 PRODUCTION:  tons C02/year

Select desired annual growth rate of CO2 reductions: %

Number of years to phase out CO2 production: years

National Reduction Planning

The table immediately below shows the amount of CO2 that has to be reduced currently to achieve carbon neutrality. The planning table below that is used to determine the proportion of RE systems and sinks used to phase out CO2 production and asses the costs associated with these systems and sinks.

Your current status:

Annual CO2 production: tons CO2/yr
Annual CO2 reductions: tons CO2/yr
Your reduction target: tons CO2/yr
Distance to target: tons CO2/yr

Planning Table:

System Type
Number of Units
Total Reduction
(tons CO2/year)
Total Cost (USD)
Solar Thermal system(s)
Photovoltaic system(s)
Wind Turbine system(s)
Micro Hydro system(s)
Bio-Mass system(s)
Carbon Sequestration hectare(s)
Other 1 system(s)
Other 2 system(s)
Other 3 system(s)
TOTAL unit(s)

Average per ton cost: USD