ICBE> Registration> Accreditation Level 0
Level 0:
Available for any Renewable Energy (RE) system or conservation process
Registration fee:
US $0
Listing fee:
Not Applicable
RE System Registration Requirements:
Simply Open an Account, fill out Registration Module, and describe system composition, usage profile, and installation details
2 or more current photographs
Emission Reduction Certification Requirements:
Not Applicable
You Receive:
Unique ICBE RE system registration number, standard ERC production evaluation, the ability to upgrade to a higher level at any time
Advantages for the RE System Owner:
Your system is already profiled, and should you go through the System Verification and Emission Reduction Certification process at a later date, ERC's can be extended from Level 0 registration date onward.
Advantages for the RE Professional:
System registration allows RE Professionals to maintain a record of the system, the system owner, and manage that record for service calls and other details.
Advantages for the RE Manufacturer:
System registration allows RE Manufacturers to see where and how their products are installed, gain better market knowledge and visualize downstream emission reductions.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3